Using powerline in PuTTY

 2014-08-19 - -  ~1 Minute

Normally I am working on a Linux machine using vim and tmux with the powerline  statusline plugin. However, sometimes I am forced to work on a windows machine. Whenever possible I open a ssh connection with PuTTY to my Linux machine to work remote on it.

It turned out that the fonts of powerline were not displayed correctly.

To fix this, I did the following modifications:

  1. Download the patched fonts . I chose DejaVuSansMono as my font since I like it most.
  2. Install this font in Windows to make it accessible for all programs.
  3. Open PuTTY and make changes to the settings:
  4. Under appearance select the patched font
  5. Select font quality Clear Type
  6. Under Translation select character set UTF-8
  7. Apply settings and restart the PuTTY session

If everything worked well, powerline should be displayed correctly in PuTTY.